Back in March 2024 Families in Partnership invited Worcestershire parent carers to share their experiences of SEND provision in Worcestershire over the last 6 months. This feedback was intended for the Department for Education’s 24-month review of the Worcestershire SEND improvement plan.
65 parent carers submitted their detailed views. We were delighted that so many people took the time to document their experiences; especially when we know it can be exhausting to retell your family’s story.
FiP compiled the feedback and interviewed 3 families to capture a fuller picture of their experiences.
Shortly after submitting our evidence to the Department for Education, the 24-month review was cancelled and a full OFSTED inspection announced.
The FiP steering group have therefore taken the decision to submit the DfE report to OFSTED, which they have now received. FiP have also been invited to meet with the OFSTED inspectors and this conversation will take place on Thursday 18th April 2024.
We hope our FiP evidence submission does Worcestershire parent carers justice and send our thanks to everyone that contributed their experiences.