Parent Carer School Engagement Toolkit

The Parent Carer School Engagement Toolkit is a fantastic example of Co-production involving many different stakeholders and much time and effort to complete. It finally went live in mid February 2023 and can be found on the SEND Local Offer here:

The FiP Participation and Engagement Officer (PEO) began working with some schools to support them on how to use the toolkit and look at the ways they are currently engaging with their parent carers. The toolkit provides the opportunity to meet everyone in the school setting and work with staff and parent carers, to develop better engagement, with recognisable positive impact. With the new academic year nearing the FiP PEO will launch a new wave of invitations for schools to actively use the framework and consider how they will embed more inclusive practice and engagement with our SEND families. FiP is looking forward to meeting the Parent Carers and school staff in 2023/24.

You can find more information around the toolkit in the AAD Newsletter April 2023:

Further to the work in schools the PEO has joined with SENDIASS to provide training for professionals on the toolkit and details about the session and how to book can be found here: Parent Carer Engagement in Schools for Professionals in Worcestershire