NNPCF & CONTACT joint Conference

On the Tuesday 28 February 2023 FiP staff attended the NNPCF & CONTACT joint annual Conference at the Double Tree by Hilton in Bristol – the first face to face since Covid. This was a fantastic opportunity for us to meet PCF members from around the country, as well as representatives from the NHS, DfE and speakers from the NNPCF and Contact to meet and discussed key topics.

Alongside the DVB program mentioned already the day included an Ofsted SEND inspection framework update from Dr Tina Pagett, a Question-and-Answer panel, a presentation about the National Standards and much more. The conference was livestreamed (for the first time!), you can watch the sessions by following this link:

You can find more information around the DBV survey and what it may mean for Worcestershire in the AAD Newsletter April 2023: https://www.worcestershire.gov.uk/send-local-offer-0/news-updates-and-feedback/all-age-disability-newsletter