Cerebra Workshops

FiP actively encourages Peer to Peer discussions and sharing opportunities. Parent Carers benefit immensely when they meet and talk to other Parent Carers who are experiencing many of the same challenges and celebrations of having a child or children with SEND. Cerebra have a wealth of information which you can find on their website, however we believe in creating those opportunities to get together and ran free workshops for Parent Carers to participate face to face and online.


The workshop was not about giving legal advice or solving individual issues, but about general strategies that parents could use to get the services that they need for their child and family.

The workshop included working on case studies relating to direct payments, respite care, Disabled Facilities Grants, residential placements, and school transport.


This Cerebra Sleep Workshop provides much needed understanding and support for your Children’s Sleep management. Cerebra recommend that this is always delivered in person for maximum effect.

The focus of the workshop is on how to:

  • Build on your knowledge and understanding of sleep and what impacts/improves it.
  • To increase your skills when addressing issues of settling, night waking, early rising and sleeping alone.
  • To improve your confidence to apply information gained to your own situation.

The next Cerebra Sleep Workshop (Face to Face) is on 26th September 2023 https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/rescheduled-sleep-workshop-with-cerebra-tickets-689266102467?aff=oddtdtcreator

Please do look out for more workshops as we arrange them.