Notice is hereby given that the Annual General Meeting (AGM) of Worcestershire Parent Carer Forum (WPCF), formerly Families in Partnership will be held virtually using the Zoom platform on Thursday 3rd October 2004 at 12 noon.
- Introductions
- Chair’s Report
- Financial Update (March 2023 to March 2024)
- Steering Group Members – resignations and elections
- Election of Officers
- Any Other Notified Business (AOB)
- Q&A – After the official AGM, there will be an opportunity to ask the WPCF Steering Group questions.
Please register to attend this AGM:
This AGM is open to all parent carers living in Worcestershire, including Worcestershire Parent Carer Forum members. Please note, that only existing WPCF members will be able to vote.
Our next AGM will be scheduled for October 2025.