Category Governance

Annual General Meeting – 3rd October 2024

Notice is hereby given that the Annual General Meeting (AGM) of Worcestershire Parent Carer Forum (WPCF), formerly Families in Partnership will be held virtually using the Zoom platform on Thursday 3rd October 2004 at 12 noon. Agenda Please register to…

Rebranding FiP

We promised you a much needed FiP rebrand, and we’re making progress. 💪Thank you to everyone that messaged, emailed, commented, voted or proposed a name for FiP. Overwhelmingly Worcestershire parent carers preferred the traditional, ‘does what it say on the…

Updating Our Constitution

Calling All FiP Members! Last month your new FiP Steering Group (Berni, Hazel & Iona) set out our immediate priorities for FiP and these included updating our constitution. A working party was created and opened up to FiP members and…

Annual General Meeting (AGM)

Notice is hereby given that the Annual General Meeting (AGM) of Families in Partnership (FiP), Worcestershire’s Parent Carer Forum will be held virtually using the Zoom platform on Thursday 21st March 2004. The AGM will be facilitated by Catherine Ratcliffe,…

Your Constitution Working Party

A very sincere thank you to everyone that attended last night’s Constitution Working Party. It was hugely encouraging to see both FiP members and other Worcestershire parent carers attend. We were blown away by people’s enthusiasm to share their expertise…

A New Name for FiP

In our recent update, we explained that one of the new steering group priorities was to rebrand Families in Partnership. There is some understandable distrust in the organisation, but now we have a new steering group, made up entirely of…

Constitution Working Party

Our constitution desperately needs a rewrite and PDQ! If you’d like to coproduce with us as we work on the details that will shape the future of FiP, then join our working party. Our first meeting (online) is scheduled for…