

SEND Employment Forum

FiP attended the SEND Employment Forum on 9 June 2023 and 8 September, to participate in understanding the challenges and develop better and more ambitious opportunities for our young people with SEND as they enter the field of employment. Leaving…

The Worcestershire SEND Charter

This Worcestershire SEND Charter was created by Families in Partnership, Worcestershire’s recognised Parent Carer Forum and all of the partner members of Worcestershire’s SEND Improvement Board. It outlines our agreed way of working together to create good services for our…

Delivering Better Value (DBV)

The UK government has long term objectives to reform the system supporting children and young people with SEND, but these will take time. The DBV Programme recognises the current challenges faced and will provide valuable, short-term support to Local Authorities…

DFN Project Search

Opening Doors For The Workforce Of The Future DFN Project SEARCH is a transition to work programme committed to transforming the lives of young adults with a learning disability and autism or both. FiP would like to wish all the…

Cerebra Workshops

FiP actively encourages Peer to Peer discussions and sharing opportunities. Parent Carers benefit immensely when they meet and talk to other Parent Carers who are experiencing many of the same challenges and celebrations of having a child or children with…

Children’s Neurodiverse Care Pathways Workshop

Steering Group members and FiP staff attended the Children’s Neurodiverse Care Pathway Workshop on 24 July 2023 to provide valuable input towards planning and improving the neurodiversity care pathways for Hereford and Worcestershire. Led by Anna Swift, Lead for Neurodivergent…

Co-Production Week 2023

Co-production Week this year ran from 3-7 July and is a key concept in the development of public services. The term Co-production describes working in partnership with people who use care and support services such as parents, carers and families.…

SENCO Network Conference

The FiP Participation and Engagement Officer alongside the WCF Parent Engagement Advisor SEND (All Age Disability (0-25)), were invited to present at the SENCO Network Conference on 14 June 2023, focusing on Parent Carer School Engagement. Held at the prestigious…